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Welcome to the website private company  "Anesthesia spol. s r. o." providing public health-care facilities, one day surgery and outpatient anesthesia.

The administration of anaesthesia is an extremely safe procedure today. How can safety in anaesthesia be kept as high as it is, or even improved? Apart from the above mentioned greater expertise of personnel performing anaesthesia, the development of useful monitoring techniques, and proper risk assessment, particularly before more difficult procedures in elderly patients and in patients suffering from diverse concomitant disease, may help to maintain a high safety standard even in high risk surgery.


Prior to administration of any type of anesthesia the patient has to be checked up by a doctor specialist – anesthesiologist who gets information on the physical and mental condition of the patient. This contact between the patient and the anesthesiologist is very important.


Read carefully and give as all important answer.

The patient has to provide true and correct information so that the anesthesiologist can avoid any risk from eventual complications in the course of the anesthesia administering. It is rather important for the anesthesiologist to get information on any previous surgical interventions undergone by the patient and the respective consequences thereof – removal of any dual organ, etc.

The known consequences, such as, for example, cardiac problems, problems with the blood pressure, postoperative nausea and vomiting, sore throat, thrombophlebitis, etc.
Information on suffering any eventual problems during anesthesia by a member of the close family, and patient alone, is also relevant and should be available.

Information on any allergic reactions to any medicines that may be used in the pre-surgery preparations, anesthesia administering or the postoperative care, are also significant. In case of any such allergic reaction, it is important to know when it happened, what are the clinical manifestations and whether it is medically proved.

The doctor has to be informed of any diabetes, its duration and treatment, as well as of any hepatitis suffered.

Information on eventual prolonged bleeding in case of injuries or tooth extraction are very significant for the expected anesthesia.

All women in their reproduction period have to be asked for the date of their last period and the possibility of being pregnant at the moment.

Smoking habit, or the length of time of being a smoker and the number of cigarettes smoked during the day, is relevant information for the anesthesiologist. As the smokers are much more affected by postoperative lungs complications than the nonsmokers, it is recommended to quit smoking at least four weeks before the planned anesthesia.

The patient is obliged to be honest and inform the anesthesiologist of eventual use of drug, alcohol and medicaments. All these substances may cause serious problems during administering of the anesthesia, if the anesthesiologist is not prior informed of their use.
In case of taking medicines on permanent basis, the anesthesiologist would decide whether and when this therapy would be terminated. Most of the medications may cause side effects if taken simultaneously with certain anesthetics.

After the anamnesis, the anesthesiologist should make complete physical checkup – when you will come in Poprad. This checkup may be divided in two parts: standard checkup and specific checkup, intended for finding out any possible problems strictly related to the anesthesia.
The standard checkup includes auscultation of the lungs and the heart, control of the blood pressure and neurological checkup.

Furthermore, the anesthesiologist is making detailed inspection and checkup of the head and the neck for any anomalies that may cause difficult intubation (placing plastic tube down the respiratory organs). This inspection and checkup also includes nasal passabillity checkup, neck tumors or malformations and checkup of the jaws and their mobility. When checking the jaws, it is important to determine whether the patient has rotten or shaky teeth, dentures, etc. If regional anesthesia is planned, the anesthesiologist must check the region where the punctuation is planned (spinal cord, extremities) for any eventual malformations or infections.

The laboratory analyses have to be selective, depending on the patient’s condition and illness, as well as of the planned surgical intervention. The standard analyses should control the value of hemoglobin, hematocrit, plated, and hemokoagulations test – PT and APPT. Biochemistry analayze - glucose, urea, creatine, proteins and laboratory urine test. Common  an X-ray screening you need not.

Yours anesthesiologists 

Ján Stankovič MD.     anestesiologist

Zuzana Melikantová -   nurse - medical specialis in anesttsiology


The examination before the planned operation


We offer you all care in a private Clinic in northern part of Slovakia.  
Please contact us, see bellow..


Anestézia spol. s r. o.

tel. +421524565053,

mo: +421905321575, +421905348998

mailto:   anesteza@anesteza.sk